Friends of Bassett helps you focus your giving on specific areas of need through our current campaigns.

Fundraising campaigns for our most urgent needs in healthcare are essential for ensuring access to critical services, research advancements, and support for patients facing health challenges.

Bassett Cancer Institute Initiative
Bassett Cancer Institute Initiative

Bassett Cancer Institute Initiative

Cancer is one of the most common chronic diseases in the United Sates. In the rural region served by Bassett Healthcare Network, an older population, lower socioeconomic status, and a significant percentage of individuals and families who are underinsured or uninsured contribute to a higher-than-average incidence of cancer. The number of patients seeking cancer care …

Nursing Education
Nursing Education

Nursing Education

Our nurses make a positive impact every day on the lives of patients in our care. By providing our nurses with quality education throughout all stages of their careers, we ensure that our nurses and organization are recognized for quality, evidence-based practice, and patient safety. Our Nightingale Fund for Nursing Excellence offers educational support and …

School-Based Health
School-Based Health

School-Based Health

In rural central New York, many children live at or below the poverty level in communities where healthcare is not available. Children are among those least likely to receive routine healthcare and be insured, and most likely to require emergency medical services. Recognizing this gap in healthcare, Bassett Healthcare Network established its School-Based Health Program, …

K-9 Security
K-9 Security

K-9 Security

Bassett’s growing K-9 Security team helps to elevate the level of safety and security we provide to caregivers and our patients. The program was developed to help meet the increased security needs healthcare workers face today. K-9 units quickly defuse tense situations before they escalate and are trained in tracking and other important protection techniques …